A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Snowy Owl
A Young Whitetail Buck
A Juvenile Bald Eagle in the Maple River State Game Area
A White Tail fawn, hiding in the grass
An Osprey in flight
An Osprey looking back in flight
An Osprey
A Juvenile Osprey
An Osprey with a goldfish in its talons
A Pair of Bald Eagles feasting
A Young Bald Eagle taking off
A Golden Eagle
An Osprey and Bald Eagle fighting
Head-on shot of a Juvenile Bald Eagle
Great Blue Heron catching a fish
A Great Blue Heron
A Great Blue Heron
A Great Egret (left) and Black-crowned night heron (right)
Great Blue Heron
A Great Egret catching a fish
Sandhill Cranes in flight
A Whitetail deer crossing a two track
A Closeup of a Snapping Turtle
A Belted Kingfisher
A Bonaparte's Gull
A muddy Coyote
A Caspian tern diving into the water
A Bonaparte's Gull
A Caspian Tern
Bald Eagle Silhouettes
Norther Harrier Hunting
Norther Harrier Hunting
Norther Harrier Hunting
Norther Harrier Hunting
A Great Egret
Belted Kingfisher
Silhouette of a Great Blue Heron
Red-winged blackbird
A Red-winged blackbird chasing after a Northern Harrier
A Whimbrel in Grand Marais
A Whimbrel in Grand Marais
A Barred Owl near a nest
A great Blue Heron in flight
A pair of Sandhill Cranes in flight